Mihaela Minca
“One of Romania’s most powerful witches, known
for her elaborate rituals and spiritual guidance.”
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What The Critics Say
Most Famous Witches in Romania
“Mihaela Minca is one of the most famous witches in Romania. She and her coven – all women of the traditionally itinerant Roma minority – live at the margins of European society, in the suburbs of Bucharest. There, they make a living through conducting rituals that help their clients find love, money and adequate punishments for their enemies.”
‘Life Coaches’ of the Supernatural
“Mihaela Minca’s phone buzzes constantly with clients who, she says, feel like they’ve been “trampled by fate.” She works in person, on the phone and online. She explains that her clientele is diverse — “regular people, rich people, politicians” — and most want love, health and financial security.”