TV appearances

TV series

Josh Gates sends scientist Phil Torres and paranormal researcher Jessica Chobot to investigate supernatural encounters, mysterious creatures, and astonishing extraterrestrial phenomena, taking viewers to the stranger side of the unknown.

Image Credit: Evan B. Stone

Documentary film


Millennials Laura, Andra and Ayo are part of a growing feminist effort to revive the practice of witchcraft and reclaim the term ‘witch’.

Image Credit: Lulu Wei


(Chronological order, Newest to Oldest)

January 18, 2025

The Dark Witches of Romania | josie lifts things

What happens when you spend time in the home of The Most Powerful Witch in Europe, Mihaela Minca.


November 24, 2024

Europe’s Last Witches : Why Half the Population Still Practices It | Les Artisans de Demain

La Roumanie, Terre de refuge des dernières sorcières d’Europe.


November 11, 2024

Brocarde Spends A Day With The Most Powerful Witch In Romania | Spells & Witchcraft In Coven

Brocarde spends a day with Mihaela Minca and her daughters in their coven in Romania. Exploring the art of witchcraft with “The most powerful with in Romania” , learning spells and witchcraft, Brocarde shares her psychic abilities and discovers the power of magic.


October 21, 2024

Magie, Tanz und Rituale – Traditionelle Hexerei in Rumänien | ARTE Tracks

In Bukarest, Rumänien, entsteht die erste Schule für Hexerei. Mihaela Minca ist die einflussreichste Hexe Rumäniens, wo Hexen viel mehr sind als nur Folklore. Sie möchte Roma-Frauen mit dieser Ausbildung einen Weg aus der Armut aufzeigen und dabei Traditionen weitergeben.


November 26, 2023

Inside Romania’s Witch School | Unreported World

Unreported World is with a coven of self-proclaimed witches determined to open Romania’s first ever witch school. Ashionye Ogene examines whether their novel approach could help thousands of women left behind by Romania’s education system.


November 27, 2022

Din Vorbă în Vorbă | Ep. 1- Vrăjitoarea Mihaela Mincă | Din Vorbă În Vorbă

Mihaela Mincă, cunoscută ca fiind cea mai puternică vrăjitoare, ne vorbește despre viața ei, despre tradiție, America, România, magie, rasism, familie și multe altele.


November 19, 2022

I Spent A Day With “Europe’s Most Powerful Witch” | Aria Inthavong

How will I react when watching the “most powerful witches in Europe” perform black magic involving a live sacrifice?


August 13, 2022

We’re Feared Because We’re A Family Of Witches | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY | truly

MIHEALA Minca is considered the most powerful and famous witch in Europe – she’s met many celebrities including Arnold Schwarzenegger. She isn’t afraid of black magic and has cursed a few people including Donald Trump. She has raised a family of witches who are all born magical. They say: “Our magic isn’t learnt from a school or book, it comes naturally and travels from generation to generation.”


November 4, 2022

La Roumanie entre magie et superstition | Ouranos

En Roumanie, la sorcellerie fait partie des croyances populaires les plus ancrées : 40% des Roumains consultent régulièrement des sorcières, si bien que depuis 2011, le métier est officiellement reconnu par l’État.


April 25, 2021

BRUXARIA NA ROMÊNIA feat. Mihaela Minca, Ana e Casanndra Buzea | Trilha Folklore

Bruxaria na Romênia. Em entrevista com Mihaela Minca, Casanndra Buzea e Ana Maria Buzea, trouxemos um pouco de sua cultura, magia e tradição. Inspire-se através da força e da resistência das Bruxas romenas.


November 18, 2021


This is the OVERNIGHT channel final episode from our 5 part Romania series where we conclude the ritual that began everything in Hoia Baciu Forest. We wanted to share this experience as it’s part of the journey for this channel as we strive to learn more about all things paranormal & unknown.


December 11, 2019

Witches Casting Spells on Politicians: A Curse on Corruption | VICE

Romania has a thriving witch community that goes back centuries. It’s also one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. Public outrage against the Romanian government has led to the biggest protests since the fall of communism, with up to half a million people taking to the streets.


June 25, 2018

Mihaela Minca the witch documentary by bulgarian television | Casanndra The Witch

The most mediatized with from all over the planet. Mihaela Minca has the gift and magic and can break any black magic spell.


July 20, 2017

THE WITCH MIHAELA | Witches of Europe

Interview with reporters from Bulgaria.


October 31, 2016

Casting Curses and Love Spells with the Most Powerful Witches in Romania | VICE Life

In Romania, the homeland of Dracula and superstition, witches were pretty much spared from the medieval witch-hunts that plagued most of Europe and killed 100,000 women. In fact, witchcraft here is not only alive; it’s thriving, and it’s even feared by politicians.


July 30, 2015

Witches brewing up tax protest in Romania | AP Archive

Angry witches in Romania are using cat excrement and dead dogs to cast spells on the president and government who are forcing them to pay taxes. They’re not the type of people you want to upset.